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About Winningham Studios - Videography and Photography

Winningham Studios is run by Brannon Winningham, and is based in Gresham, Oregon in the Portland area.  Winningham Studios operates mainly in Oregon and Washington.

Below are a few videos about Brannon Winningham as well as the transcripts to the videos, so you can read along.

Why I Started Winningham Studios

Transcript - Why I Started Winningham Studios

I started Winningham Studios several years ago.  A friend of mine knew I was kind of into making videos and she was getting married.  Her videographer canceled the day before the wedding so she asked me, "Hey, could you fill in?" I was like, "Well, I've never shot a wedding before, but I'll show up and do it for free. If you don't like it, no big deal.  Something's better than nothing right?"

I spent like 20 hours just learning how to do a wedding video, showed up, and shot it. She thought it was pretty good and I didn't think it was too bad either.  So, I started shooting weddings.

What made me really start Winningham Studios and want to go full time doing it was a couple years ago.  I shot a wedding, and I captured some footage that was extremely valuable to the bride and groom and their entire family. I won't get into it because it's kind of personal to them, but the footage I got just really meant something to them.

They thanked me profusely and told me how wonderful it was. They were so thankful that I captured certain aspects of that wedding. It really made me start thinking that maybe my videos and films can actually do some good in the world and make people good.

I was happy with my career as an equipment technician, but at the end of the day, I wasn't doing anything that really mattered. Through film and through video, I could do things that matter, and I can make my community a better place. So, when my company and I decided to part ways, I went full time with Winningham Studios and I'm extremely happy that I did.

Personal life

Transcript - Personal Life

I was born in a small town called Coquille. It's about 20 minutes from Coos Bay, Oregon. Shortly after I was born, my parents moved to the Eugene and Springfield area. Then around second grade, they got divorced. My mom came up here to the Portland/Gresham area, and my dad stayed in southern Oregon around Medford, Roseburg, and sometimes Diamond Lake. In the early 80s, they both got remarried. I have two wonderful stepparents, and I have two wonderful parents as well. Four parents is always better than two when you're a kid because you get twice as many Christmas gifts, right?

I grew up with my mom and my stepdad up here in Portland. I went through the Centennial School District, and then I attended Oregon Tech down in Klamath Falls. I wanted to be a computer programmer. However, I didn't realize that really wasn't what I wanted to do, and I only lasted a couple years, and then I dropped out.

I moved back up here to Portland. I started working in the semiconductor industry, and I did that for about 30 years. It was a great career. I loved the job, the people, the companies, but at the end of the day, I just wasn't happy doing it. So, when I had a chance to start Winningham Studios, I took it.

About five years ago, I married my wife. It took me a while to find her as I was in my 40s, but I was waiting for the perfect lady, and I finally found her. We got married just before COVID hit.

We have two boys, Skyler and Alex. Skyler is starting his junior year at Belmont, in Tennessee. He's a musician. Alex is going to start neuroscience at the University of Oregon here in a couple weeks. So soon, my wife and I are going to be empty-nesters, and I'm going to have plenty of time to edit and film videos.


Transcript - Interests

Some of my interests include sports, animals, more sports, film, and some sports. Obviously, I'm a big sports fan. I grew up playing sports. I played basketball, tennis, wrestled, water polo, pretty much all of them. Then as an adult I played in basketball rec leagues, flag football leagues, slow pitch softball, and several others. I'm currently on an indoor soccer team which is about all I have time for these days.

I've just always loved competing and sports is a great way to do that. I also love animals. I don't think I've ever lived in a house without animals. Currently we have two cats and a dog.  I've always loved animals. I think I've probably had about 30 animals growing up including a couple hermit crabs I believe were thrown in there. I just don't think life is enjoyable if you don't have some pets around to love on.

I also love filming obviously. That's why I created Winningham Studios. I often make silly Christmas videos for the family or sometimes my nephew will come over and we'll film something kind of funny and the family gets together over Thanksgiving and watches it. We enjoy doing that for everybody.

I've done a lot of fun things in my life. I've climbed mountains, I've trained in mixed martial arts, and I even played in a band.

I've done a lot of fun things, and I feel very blessed, and that's why I want to give back if I can with my videos and with films.

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